
Posts Tagged unlock

When Life Hands You Lemons: Training on the Fly in Real Life

My dogs and I walk daily. Frequently, these walks take place in a cemetery close to my house. I have a self imposed rule on walks that my cell phone stays in a pocket unless I am taking a picture, which is only occasional. On a recent walk, I broke this rule. On the same walk, I also broke with tradition by simply depositing my car keys in the pocket of my rain jacket since it possessed deep pockets. Normally, I would attach my car keys to the ring on my handy dandy treat pouch that wraps around my waist, right along side the poop bag dispenser.

Image of Debby McMullen's three dogs, waiting by the car for AAA to retrieve the car keys locked inside.

Waiting for AAA.

Unfortunately for my sanity, said deep pocket had a hole in it. A hole that did not lead to the lining but instead, to the great outdoors. Because of my periodic distraction with my cell phone (I made one phone call and checked my email), I failed to notice that my car keys slipped through the hole that I didn’t know about.

We walked a longer route than usual in celebration of the milder weather that allowed for walking without teeth chattering. It was nice until the final approach to my car when I started fumbling for my keys and discovered nothing. My confusion turned to panic.

I got to my vehicle and accepted that my keys were indeed MIA. To add to my dilemma, I had just two days prior had to call AAA to unlock my vehicle with my keys inside, at the grocery store after a particularly grueling day. So because that had been the second keys in the car episode of the last two months, I threw my spare keys into my purse. Which was now locked hidden inside my car. I had been told at the last service call, that I had reached my limit for service until renewal in one month. Oh joy.

I first attempted to retrace my route to look for my keys but my dogs were not having it. They rebelled and made it clear that the walking was done for the day. I called several friends to see if anyone my dogs were comfortable with were available to hold onto them while I searched for my keys. Everyone was busy working though several tried to enlist help. I broke down and called AAA.

I explained to the dispatcher that I don’t allow interaction with strangers on walks in public. So I instructed her to convey information on how things would progress when the driver arrived. She assured me that she would relay this information. I hung up warily.

We waited. And waited. A car drove up and parked within ten feet away. Mourners visiting dearly departed loved ones. Mourners with crutches and already stressed guardian breed dogs wondering why they can’t get into their beloved car don’t mix. We moved behind my vehicle and practiced downs with hand targeting. All was now much more peaceful.

Mourners with crutches depart and AAA pulls up. The instructions given to the dispatcher evidently not passed on to the driver, he exits from his truck and strides purposely towards me. I gently halt him and give him instructions, thankfully before my dogs feel threatened by his direct approach. All is peaceful again. While he works on what they consider their very large crate, they practice Find It and more hand targeting as well as offered downs. This is the best game ever for them today.

Success at last! The car is open once again and we have keys. They cannot get in their big crate fast enough. Relaxation is upon them and all is well again. For those of you who are wondering, I retraced my route on foot alone again and no keys so I left my number with the office. I have high hopes that once the negative energy disperses for the day, they will turn up.

But back to the dogs. This could have been among my worst nightmares. Multiple large dogs, small owner, scary strangers and no known safety to access. But by staying as calm as possible and employing force free training cues that my crew was familiar with, this turned into an adventure that caused some heavy slumber later that day. And I got far more exercise than I had anticipated. Never a bad thing when you are trying to tone and firm for the upcoming season!

Training tip of the day, aside from don’t bother with checking Facebook while walking your crew, is prepare for the worst and make it the best. How have you turned bad into good with your crew? Tell me below.

Posted in: Projects

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