
Posts Tagged dogs are carnivores

Peas Are Bullshit!

Peas Are Bullshit!

There are some subjects in the dog world that cause my brain to start twirling on it’s imaginary axis, threatening to send it into orbit right through my skull. Insisting on feeding a dog a vegan diet because of your *own* preferences (versus an actual allergy!) is one such subject. Dogs are carnivores. Many of you are wondering why that even has to be stated here. Of course, you are. Because common sense says that we should understand that fact without question. Look at their teeth. They clearly are designed to eat meat. Now before you start sputtering, note that I did not state that dogs are obligate carnivores like cats. Obligate carnivores will die without the nutrients only found in meat. Dogs can survive on other foods besides meats but that doesn’t mean that is their meal of choice. That trait doesn’t make them omnivores. We humans are omnivores. Being able to process vegetable matter, etc. doesn’t mean that their systems are designed for it nor would they ever choose it. Willingness to eat something has nothing to do with what they are designed to eat.  I am VERY willing to eat hot cheese puffs. I am pretty comfortable that I gain no nutritional value from that food choice, however. Many humans left to their own devices without input from health experts, will certainly choose food that is not appropriate for them. Heck, some dogs think that socks and other dog’s poop is a fine tasty treat. But that doesn’t make it healthy for them to exist on. Same with hot cheese puffs.

The ability to eat fruits and vegetables and grains does not mean the system was designed to exist on such. Sure, you can *add* nutrients to “make” the food balanced enough to exist on. But is that really the ethical choice for your dog? Having to add things to the diet you have chosen for your dog because the foods do not naturally contain the nutrients that they need in order to exist? Here’s a thought: offer your dog the choice between a plate of freshly cooked meat and freshly cooked vegetables and I guarantee you that I will win all-of-the-bets on which one they choose.  Yet too many people try and impose their own moral compass on dogs, by forcing them to exist on a vegetarian or even a vegan diet. That’s just plain cruel. Please, if you must have a pet who eats a plant-based diet, then forgo having dogs and cats and get a pet designed to exist and enjoy a plant-based diet. Just because you can do something without killing your dog doesn’t mean you should do it. Respect dogs for who they are. They beg of you.

Dogs like meat, not peas.

Dogs like meat, not peas.

Read more from dog nutrition experts on this subject here and here and here . Just say no to peas. Here is a fine t-shirt based on the graphic for this article by the wonderful Lili Chin, that your dog would appreciate if he or she could read. Peas Are Bullshit

Posted in: Projects

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